Realizing the need of a state organization, various insurance women in Dallas extended an invitation to the organized Insurance Women's Clubs in Texas to meet with them for the purpose of organizing the Federation of Insurance Women of Texas.
On June 2, 1944, 275 insurance women from twenty cities in three states heard Ms. Ruth A. Fredde, Founder, present the plan for the organization of the Federation. Delegates from the organized clubs of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio unanimously voted to form the Federation of Insurance Women of Texas, adopting the constitution and by-laws and electing officers.
Presented below are the principles upon which the Federation of Insurance Women of Texas was organized as given in the pledge of office at the installation of its first officers in Dallas, June 1944.
FIRST, to build and maintain greater efficiency through study and practice.
SECOND, to establish acquaintance with women having mutual interests through social and business meetings.
THIRD, to collectively participate in a worthwhile manner to the civic betterment of your community.
FINALLY, through unselfish service, seek to elevate the standards of the insurance profession.
With these ideals firmly in our minds and consciousness, there lies ahead the bright certainty that this organization will continue to play an increasingly important part in the lives and careers of its members as well as exerting a profound and beneficial influence on the business and profession in which we work.
The above standards, set all those years ago, still stand true today. While our association has grown and flourished, our main objective is still, and will remain, EDUCATION for our members.
Our membership is open to both women and men, independent agencies as well as direct writers, standard insurance companies and E & S companies, adjusting firms, and all those companies that support the insurance industry.
Please click on FIWT Membership information if you are interested in joining one of our 9 local associations across the State of Texas or Industry Membership if you would like to support FIWT at the State level.
Debbie Trees
2022-23 Tanya Wyatt
2021-22 Sue Finke
2019-21 Wendy Rhoden
2018-19 Cindy Jordan
2017-18 Shanna Sutton
2016-17 Donna Williams
2015-16 Sharon Foster
2014-15 Gigi Heffernan
2013-14 Vanessa Torres
2012-13 JoAnna Ringel
2011-12 Conya Harris
2010-11 Linda Saupp
2009-10 Teri Jones
2008-09 Susan Tyner
2007-08 Carol Tower
2006-07 Suzanne Butler
2005-06 Kim McFarland
2004-05 Jimmie Gale Berg
2003-04 Shannon Dahlke
2002-03 Sandra J. Waters
2001-02 Judy Walker
2000-01 Toni Campbell
1999-00 Marti Powell
1998-99 Anna Maria Kizer
1997-98 Susana Ramirez
1996-97 Robbie M. Cranford*
1995-96 Linda Attaway*
1994-95 Diana Beith
1993-94 Valarie Bullock
1992-93 Liz Patterson*
1991-92 Elaine Wolfe
1990-91 Pat O'Neal*
1989-90 Dorine Fine*
1988-89 Becki Tucker
1987-88 Barbara Bridges
1986-87 Toni Williams
1985-86 Sharon Edge*
1984-85 Mary Gunn
1983-84 Nelda Willis*
1982-83 Lottie Harmon
1981-82 Frances Reeves*
1980-81 Betty Turner
1979-80 Rosa Lee Evans*
1978-79 Claire Bledsoe*
1977-78 Hazel Andrews*
1976-77 Vera Kietzer*
1975-76 Lavernne Williams*
1974-75 Janey Maeker*
1973-74 Laila Grant*
1972-73 Marie Shuler
1971-72 Marion White*
1970-71 Lola M. Brooks*
1969-70 Jane Jenkins*
1968-69 Mary Louise McDaniel
1967-68 Lucy Fewell*
1966-67 Mary Campanella*
1965-66 Jane Cyva*
1964-65 Jessie Eubank*
1963-64 Mellie Powell*
1962-63 Isabel Martin*
1961-62 Wanda Dannelly*
1960-61 Glenn Epstein*
1959-60 Jewell S. Tindall*
1958-59 Polly Lewis*
1957-58 Beatrice Greenfield*
1956-57 Lera Penrod*
1955-56 Lucie M. Lillis*
1954-55 Nina N. Copus*
1953-54 Alyce Schwab*
1952-53 Faye A. Schnuriger*
1951-52 Vina Meier*
1950-51 Natalie Murphy*
1949-50 Mary Doug Stephens*
1948-49 Ann Barker*
1947-48 Merle P. Stieler*
1946-47 Edith O Buckmann*
1945-46 Sally Walsh Downs*
1944-45 Ruth Fredde Bookout*