FIWT Scholarship

The Federation of Insurance Women of Texas, Inc. (FIWT) is proud to offer a $2,000 scholarship to a current high school senior or college student. The money is distributed $1,000 in the fall and $1,000 in the spring.


  • Must complete the online application and submit by the deadline of (TBD)

  • Must take a minimum of 12 hours with a least 1 course being insurance or business related.

  • The college or university must be located in Texas.

  • The applicant must maintain a grade point average of B or above to be eligible. Eligibility will be checked again at the onset of the spring semester before the 2nd payment is made.

Scholarship Application

FIWT Scholarship Application

College Information

Note: Proof of registration for course required must be received prior to funds being released.

Activities, Organizations & Honors:

Additional information required:

Federation of Insurance Women of Texas

Email: [email protected]