Seminar Request Form

Thank you for your interest in the FIWT Education Programs. Please help us with the arrangements for this class by completing the following information and emailing the FIWT BOD at [email protected]. FIWT is very pleased to offer this service to you and hope this is a favorable experience for your local association. FIWT does pay for expenses for the instructor however, if your local association would like to share in the expenses, please indicate in the appropriate space below. ***FIWT members will continue to receive their membership benefit of classes thru FIWT. The classes are free from FIWT fees but will charge the minimal TDI Sircon fee of $.88 per CE hour. People attending the classes that are not members will be charged a $10 per class fee.

This fee will include the Sircon fees and other related FIWT fees.

Seminar Request Form

Federation of Insurance Women of Texas

Email: [email protected]