The Federation of Insurance Women of Texas, also known as
FIWT, was formed in 1944. Our membership base includes insurance professionals throughout the state of Texas and beyond. FIWT is a not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization.
The goals of FIWT have not wavered in all these years. The
goals set by the original officers are the goals still today:
"First, through study and practice, the building and maintaining of greater efficiency. Second, through association and business meetings, the establishing of acquaintances with insurance women. Third, to collectively participate in the civic betterment of the community. Finally, through unselfish service, seek to elevate the standards of the insurance profession."
Our mission statement is:
"The mission of the Federation of Insurance Women of Texas is to promote and provide education and professional development for its members and the Texas insurance industry while emphasizing service in our communities."
Our local associations located throughout the state of Texas
hold fundraisers to benefit local community service projects. On the state level FIWT raises awareness for one annual community service project. Previous various charitable organizations include Make a Wish Foundation, St Jude’s
Hospital, Wounded Warrior Project, and many others. In addition to holding fundraisers, our local associations also hold education classes for their members and the surrounding areas. FIWT owns several continuing education classes that can be taught around the state.
Each year FIWT holds two major events to provide education,
establish industry relationships, raise awareness for state community service projects, heighten career awareness efforts to bring new people into the
industry and encourage social interaction among peers. These events are the Leadership & Education Mid-Year Expo in April and the Annual Convention and Trade Show in October. For more information about these events please visit our events page.
Benefits of membership in FIWT:
Unites insurance professionals for the purpose of Education; Promotes professional conduct; Informs members of the latest insurance legislation, regulations & laws; Provides networking opportunities within the insurance industry.